Methodius the Slav Enlightener / Методий - славянски просветител
Автор: Peter Dinekov
Обем: 54 стр.
Формат в мм.: 200x125
Издател: Sofia - Press
Мека подвързия
Година на издаване: 1985
Доставчик: антикварен отдел
Нашата цена: 25.00 лв.

Състояние:много добро

Описание:The cause of the two Slav enlighteners, the brothes Constantine - Cyril Philosopher and Methodius, occupies a prominent place in the history of European culture as it laid the beginning of Slav letters. 1985 marks the 1100th anniversary of the death of the elder brother Methodius. The anniversary provides an occasion for new studies on the early history of Slav culture and opportunity to lay a wider emphasis on Methodius s merits in the development of Slav enlightenment. ...

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