Broken grounds 2: Intercultural Communication, Multiculturalism

Автор: Can Bilgili, Zeynep Karahan Uslu
Обем: 438 стр.
Формат в мм.: 165х235
Издател: ИК "АИ "Проф. Марин Дринов""
Мека подвързия
Дата на включване: 2012-02-29
ISBN: 9789543224890
Категория: Чуждоезична литература

Корична цена: 28.00 лв.
Oтстъпка: 4%

Нашата цена: 26.88 лв.

In the two-volume book titled “Broken Grounds”, you will find many international and national articles in which you will witness the transformational impact of mass communication and mass media devices. The drive that has initiated the reason for which this book has been prepared in two volumes is to trace the marks of this era on different societies and social layers and to explicate the relationships and communication ways which have emerged from it. The study which brings together the different conceptions in national and international level introduces the new quests to its audience through the route map of communication sciences.

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