Broken grounds 1: Mass Communication and Transformation

Автор: Can Bilgili, Nesrin Tan Akbulut
Обем: 428 стр.
Формат в мм.: 165х235
Издател: ИК "АИ "Проф. Марин Дринов""
Мека подвързия
Дата на включване: 2012-02-29
ISBN: 9789543224883
Категория: Чуждоезична литература

Корична цена: 28.00 лв.
Oтстъпка: 4%

Нашата цена: 26.88 лв.

The period in which we live corresponds to an era during which traditional grounds once more breaking both in terms of mass media communication forms and applications and its terms of culture, life forms and social rules. In this study is analyzed the period in which walls are being pulled down, when inter-social relations are passing beyond boundaries, to live together (with different identities and cultures), new social discourse and representations that show attempts to make it a part of a shared future correspond to the transformation of mass communication devices and are affected by its power to transform culture.

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