51 mountain beauty spots in Bulgaria

Автор: Radoslav Donev
Обем: 64 стр.
Формат в мм.: 170x240
Издател: ИК "СофтПрес"
Мека подвързия
Дата на включване: 2015-12-05
ISBN: 9786191512607
Категория: Справочници

Корична цена: 11.99 лв.
Oтстъпка: 9%

Нашата цена: 10.91 лв.

"51 mountain beauty spots in Bulgaria" was inspired by the country’s breathtaking landscape of mountain peaks, lakes, nature reserves, waterfalls, and cliffs.

The book is the landscape photography project of the graphic designer Radoslav Donev whose camera has been capturing moments of visual pleasure communicated by gorgeous explosions of light and colour for more than eight years.

A keen observer of mountain landscapes, he shares his detailed study of the bodies of marble rock peaks and the placid silences of lakes and forests in over 150 mountain trips.

The book is the perfect gift for nature lovers, dedicated mountaineers, and landscape photography enthusiasts.


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